Recent Blogs on Web Design, SEO, and Digital Marketing

SEO Known Creative / CWD SEO Known Creative / CWD

How to Rank Higher in Google Rankings

You have a beautiful new website. Now what? Because the internet is constantly being updated with more information about businesses like yours, competition for visibility is getting more challenging every day.

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Known Creative / CWD Known Creative / CWD

Why Summer is the Best Time To Update Your Website

With many small business owners looking forward to things slowing down this summer, savvy ones are ramping up their marketing. Now is a great time to review your website and see if it accurately represents all the hard work you put into your business. Let’s look at the top ways to revisit your marketing plan for the summer.

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Marketing, SEO, Website Design Known Creative / CWD Marketing, SEO, Website Design Known Creative / CWD

What is a Landing Page (and Why Are They So Important for SEO)?

There are over 3.5 billion online searches performed every day! What is the best way to capture some of that action? A landing page! A landing page is different than a website. It is a standalone page that highlights a specific service, product, or idea. A landing page can be on its own or as separate pages within a website. Not only can landing pages be part of a website, but because of their power, every website should have them for enhanced SEO (allowing search engines to target them with minimal distractions).

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SEO, Marketing Known Creative / CWD SEO, Marketing Known Creative / CWD

Mobile Marketing

There is a better than average chance you are reading this on a mobile device. Whether in a Starbucks, commuting on mass transit, or in a waiting room, almost everyone is on their phone. If your site is not optimized for mobile by now, you are missing the boat.

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Known Creative / CWD Known Creative / CWD

Does Your Website Need a Spring Cleaning?

Spring has a definite feeling; it is the season of possibilities. People tend to be more optimistic and motivated to make changes. It’s also the perfect time to revisit your website and ensure it has everything needed to not only draw people in but to keep them there. Here are the top questions to ask when spring cleaning your website.

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SEO, Website Design Known Creative / CWD SEO, Website Design Known Creative / CWD

SEO - Plain and Simple

Ask ten people what SEO is and you’ll probably get ten different answers. Why does Search Engine Optimization stump so many people? Google and other search engines change their algorithms constantly in order to properly prioritize websites on any search. And given that there are over 350,000 new websites launched every single day, that is a lot of competition! Here are the basics that any website needs to focus on in order to keep up and get ahead of the crowd.

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Website Design Known Creative / CWD Website Design Known Creative / CWD

The 8 Second Attention Span

According to recent research, the average human now has an attention spans of 8 seconds which is even shorter than the attention span of a goldfish. Whether or not this is actually true, your website still needs to grab someone’s attention and hold it until you can get your message across.

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Website Design Known Creative / CWD Website Design Known Creative / CWD

Website Terminology

SEO, SSL, RSS, URL…. What does it all mean? Like everything else, website design has its own vocabulary. The more you know, the more you’ll be able to see all the options and explain what you really need to your website designer.

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Website Design Known Creative / CWD Website Design Known Creative / CWD

Images Are All-Important on Your Website

A picture is worth a thousand words... Studies show that content with images gets over 90% more views than text alone. When was the last time you looked at a page of text and were intrigued to look again? The right picture can grab attention and draw someone in.

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