Recent Blogs on Web Design, SEO, and Digital Marketing
Want to Sell Online with a Limited Budget? Consider Affiliate Marketing!
Want to sell products online without the cost or responsibility of warehousing or shipping? Are you great at spotting a trend and want to get a piece of the action? Do clients or customers always ask you where you got a certain product? Have expert knowledge and want to make some money while blogging about it? If so, affiliate marketing may be the answer!
What to Expect When Hiring a Web Designer
Congratulations on your decision to go with a professional web designer! This is a great step toward legitimizing your business presence online and having your digital storefront reflect all the hard work and effort you place in your business itself. There is an ever-increasing amount of competition out there and viewers often take less than 7 seconds to decide to whether to learn more about your products or services or move on to another more appealing site. Here is what to expect now that you have decided to make the investment.
Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Local SEO
More than 50% of Google searches are for local products or services. Here are the top ways to optimize your local SEO:
Squarespace SEO vs. Wordpress with Yoast
Yoast is a well-known plugin used with Wordpress sites. It has tools and features that help boost a site’s SEO and overall search engine readability. If you have a Squarespace site, you cannot use Yoast - and that is okay. Squarespace doesn’t need it! It has its own built in SEO capabilities that Wordpress does not. Here are the main components and how they differ.
Social Media Marketing 101
Between the overwhelming amount of competition online and the plethora of social platforms, no wonder small businesses are confused about finding the best way to stand out online. No matter what size business you have, social media is the most expedient way to gain exposure, drive traffic to your website, and create more leads and sales.
How to Increase Website Traffic Through Social Media
So, you have a beautiful website but how do you get viewers? A non-marketed website is just like a gorgeous vintage car in the garage that doesn’t run - only you get to appreciate it. The secrets are variety, a well thought out plan, and consistency. Here are some sure-fire ways to get your website into the world and start getting some well-deserved hits.
How To Write Blogs that Rank Well on Google Search
Blogs are the bomb! They bring attention to your brand, lend credibility to your knowledge and capabilities, drive more traffic to your website, and can bring in more leads. Equally important, websites that have content that is regularly updated signals Google that your site is alive and relevant. But are all blogs created equal? The answer is definitely no! Learning how to write and submit a well-searched blog relies on a number of factors.
Landing Page Versus a Home Page Website
Which is better for your business needs? A landing page or a traditional website with a home page and other navigation? It depends on your business and what you are trying to accomplish. Read further to see which type of online presence is best for your business.
Metaverse and Marketing
The Metaverse is here so it’s time to know what it is and why small business owners need to starting thinking about augmented reality marketing.
How to Market Your Business in 10 Easy to Understand Steps
Marketing is such a general term so how do you know exactly how to market your business? It comes down to some basic concepts and lessons that can be applied to all companies no matter what their size or how new or old they are.
Should Etsy Shop Owners Also Have a Website?
Etsy is an amazing platform to sell your products. With its user-friendly platform and built in audience, it is easy to get started in a niche market. The biggest downfall? It can be hard to stand out from the rest in this oversaturated marketplace. Read on to find out how having the right website in conjunction with your Etsy shop can set your business apart from the sea of others.
What to Include in Your Blog Content
Blogs are one of the best online tools you can use to drive readers to your website, lend credibility to your business, and give ammunition to search engines. If done incorrectly, however, blogs can actually turn people away and hurt your rankings. So, what are the exact steps needed to create a memorable blog?
Perceived Value: A Retake as a Website Designer
Many of you have read a similar article which talks about perceived value from a contractor’s perspective. A potential client questions the contractor’s fee and an enlightening conversation ensues. Here is my take as a website designer - and the actual conversation I have with clients several times a year.
Does Your Website Have the Capability to Evolve with Your Business?
Evolution is a natural part of any business. By keeping the three “S”s in mind: Strategy, Scope and Structure, you will be well on your way to building a website that represents your business in the best light possible yet remains flexible enough to accommodate those inevitable changes.
Is Hiring a Web Designer Really Worth It?
Every small business owner wears many hats: CEO, CFO, CMO, etc. Is hiring a web designer the wisest choice when you have a limited time or budget? Learn more:
Are You Ready to Start a New Business?
Are you ready to be your own boss? Do you have an amazing idea or a skill? Here are a few signs to see if you are ready.
Facebook Page vs Business Website: Which One is Better?
Both a website and a business Facebook page have their benefits, but is one truly better than the other? In a word, yes. Every business needs a website and here is why.
Is a DIY Website Worth It?
Wix, Weebly, GoDaddy’s Website Builder, and Squarespace are all website builders targeting DIY-ers. They literally spend millions on their marketing campaigns telling you how easy it is to create your own website. With pre-made templates and slick drag-and-drop interfaces, people may be able to create their own passable website. But at what cost? What are you missing?
Why Networking Should Be a Cornerstone of Your Business
The term “professional networking” can invoke a negative connotation. Images of puffed-up salesman, self-promoting gurus, and cringe-worthy events often come to mind. This simple fact is, professional networking is a vital component to almost any business’ growth. And, if done correctly, networking can help build beneficial long-term relationships and improve your company’s recognizability and reputation.
Top 10 Ways to Promote Your Business Today
The old ways of advertising are just not enough anymore. What’s left? The vast world of digital advertising is complex but has the possibility of being extremely effective. While some ways are free or nearly free and others are more expensive, all are viable options and worth considering. And once you begin, you may find it is not as complicated as you originally thought.